Monday, February 14, 2005

..chapter one...

ibook, ipod, cell phone (my few conseccions to everyday teenage whatsits of commericalism), razor blades, cigarettes, black covered notebook filled with blood red hand-made pages (a trip to the children's discovery museum when i was wee had inspired me to make all my own paper from that day forward), pens, spray paint, and makeup bag. those were thing things that i filled my black messenger bag with the night before the first day of junior year. this is what i needed to get me through the school day. at least, that was all i hoped i'd need. (TBC, of course. i just wanted to get something down. and sorry for the atrocious spelling and whatnot...i'm not at home and so don't have the auto-spell check.)

Sunday, February 13, 2005

What this is

This is where I'm going to write my novel (haha yes I know I sound presumptuous and idiotic, but give me some slack here). You can read it. And leave me comments. Any kind at all are welcome. Don't steal it. Or I'll just have to kill you. And it won't be painless.